Sekarang ini produk kecantikan Korea sedang ngetrend di Indonesia, saya sendiri termasuk pecinta produk skincare dan make-up Korea. Tetapi karena saya lagi tinggal di Taiwan, belakangan ini mulai tertarik juga dengan produk skincare Taiwan.
Actually, in terms of quality, Taiwanese skincare is pretty decent, but it is less famous because nowadays people are so biased with Korean (I'm no exception). I am now starting to fall in love with Taiwanese skincare since it is more affordable, and it works! That's the most important thing! So I think I can introduce you some of my favourite Taiwanese skincare and beauty products.
Sebenarnya kalau dilihat dari segi kualitas, skincare Taiwan tuh ga kalah kok sama produk Korea. Masalahnya hanya masih kurang terkenal aja, secara orang-orang lebih mengenal Korea dikarenakan K-popnya. Padahal, produk Taiwan tuh termasuk salah satu produk Asia berkualitas bagus, dan harganya juga terjangkau.
1. My Beauty Diary Masks
Honestly, this is probably the best mask I've every tried! And I am not overreacting. It has a lot of types based on different ingredients and benefits.
My all time favourite is Aloe Vera mask. It makes my skin feel so supple, moist, and glowing.
Masker buatan Taiwan ini mungkin salah satu masker terbaik yang pernah saya coba. Bahkan menurut saya, efeknya lebih oke dari masker-masker merk Korea lain kaya innisfree, skinfood, dll.
Favoritku tuh yang Aloe Vera (Lidah buaya), setelah pakai, kulit rasanya bener-bener lembut dan lembab! Bahkan terlihat glowing~
In Taiwan you can buy it in Cosmed, and other beauty store, since it is very famous, you won't have problem finding it.
It is now also available in Indonesia (they translate the instruction too), I saw the small box (5 pieces instead of 10) was sold in Guardian, but the price was almost triple the price in Taiwan. So expensive! 0____0
Masker My Beauty Diary ini termasuk yang gampang dicari, di Taiwan kamu bisa beli di Cosmed atau toko-toko kecantikan lain.
Dan ternyata, masker ini juga sudah diimpor resmi ke Indonesia, bahkan tulisannya juga sudah bahasa Indonesia. Kemarin ini saya lihat di Guardian, tapi harganya itu loh, hampir 3x lipat dari Taiwan! Muahal bangettt @___@
2. MY SCHEMING Blackhead Acne Removal Activated Carbon 3 Steps Mask Set
This is said to be the best blackhead remover mask, and I can't agree more!
The only drawback for me is you need to be super patient with it since it has 3 steps and you need to wait for a long time until the mask dried out in order to peel it.
But it is all worth the try because this mask can remove my tiny blackhead and make my skin feel so plump after use!
Kalau kalian coba googling "the best blackhead remover mask", kemungkinan besar produk ini pasti nongol deh di page 1.
My Scheming Blackhead Acne Removal ini unik karena terdiri dari 3 tahap, cuma ya mesti sabar aja dalam pengaplikasiannya, terutama untuk step 2 karena masker yang hitamnya itu harus ditunggu kering dulu supaya bisa dikelupas dengan sempurna dan narik semua komedo.
Memang harus sabar sih, tapi hasilnya ga sia-sia kok! Komedo terangkat, kulit wajah pun terasa lebih mulusss dan kenyal!
3. Oguma Aquakey
My friend from Thailand recommended this Taiwanese product since it is very famous in her country. Oguma is basically ionised water spray that benefits our skin.
I use it after washing my face before toner. It makes my skin fresh and moist, ready for the next step of my skincare routine.
Oguma Aquakey ini dulu direkomendasiin sama temenku dari Thailand. Katanya ini salah satu produk Taiwan yang terkenal banget di Thailand sana. Oguma ini semacam ion-water spray gitu, bisa kamu pakai kapan aja untuk bikin wajah cerah dan segar kembali. Saya sih biasanya pakai sehabis membersihkan wajah, sebelum toner. Wajah pun terasa lembab dan siap untuk tahap skincare selanjutnya.
It has the big 150ml and the compact one 50ml. What I have in the picture above is the 50ml one, since it is easier for me to carry around, and I can take it with me on the airplane too!
Kebetulan waktu liburan di Indonesia ini, saya bawa yang botol kecilnya, karena memang lebih praktis dibawa-bawa, terutama saat naik pesawat.
4. Annie's Way Gel Mask
I've never heard of this Annie's Way mask before my sister asked me to buy for her. It has various kind which you can choose based on your skin types.
The best selling one is Arbutin + Hyaluronic Acid. I actually need to order and wait for a week since it is out of stock at the store.
Annie's Way Hyaluronic Acid masks claim to maintain moisture and hydration on your skin, and the arbutin to brighten your skin.
It comes with this huge 250 ml jar with a reasonable price, but the spatula is sold separately (I don't know where to buy it Q__Q) I guess I need to figure out another way on how to apply it to my face, since the instruction said it is better to use spatula.
Annie's Way tuh salah satu merk masker yang terkenal juga di Taiwan. Tipe maskernya adalah masker wash-off berbentuk gel. Variannya banyak banget, tapi yang paling terkenal adalah Arbutin+Hyaluronic Acid Mask; waktu mo beli ini aja harus order dulu kira-kira 1 minggu karena out of stock di tokonya.
Masker Annie's Way Arbutin+Hyaluronic Acid ini berfungsi untuk menjaga kelembaban kulit dan juga mencerahkan kulit (terutama yang punya flek hitam atau bekas jerawat). Selain itu, semua masker gel Annie's Way juga bisa membantu mengurangi komedo di wajah loh!
So there they are, some of my favourite Taiwan skincare products. IMHO Taiwanese products are not so bad either! Try it and I promise you won't regret it!
Stay tune for other review~